Toddler Stay and Play Group

We have a new Toddler Stay and Play Group on Wednesday mornings, 10am, at Canning Road Church. Please call 01704 542276 to book your place

Home-Start Open Morning

At Home-Start we believe that every child deserves a happy future. Our volunteers are passionate about helping and supporting parents to give their children the best possible start in life. If you have some spare time to help out a local family, find out more about becoming a Home-Start volunteer. Location: Premier House Wight Moss […]

Pram Walk

Pram Walk every Thursday morning at 10.30, starting from The Carousel on The Pier Forecourt, Promenade (near Funland), Southport. PR8 1QX. Weather dependent. Please book your place with the office on 01704 542276.  

Join Our 100 Club And Raise Funds For Home-Start

Help us raise funds for a great cause by joining our 100 club. Win £50, £25 or £15 in our monthly draw for just £5 per month and help a local family. Contact the office on 01704 542276 for more details.

Volunteers Wanted

Can you offer 2-3 hours a week to help a local family? Volunteering is fun, rewarding and inspiring. If you have parenting experience and some time to help we would like to meet you. Find out more about becoming a volunteer – contact us for an information pack by ringing the Home-Start office.