Q: I have days when I can’t cope well, but some days I’m ok. I’m not sure my situation is bad enough to justify having a volunteer to help me. What should I do?

A: Give us a call on 01704 542276 and have a chat with Karen or Julie

Q: I’ve been referred to Home-Start by my Health Visitor. What happens next?

A: We will make arrangements with you for either Karen or Julie to visit you to chat about what help you need and to see how the Home-Start service can help you.

Q: I’m worried about having a stranger visit me to help me. What are the volunteers like?

A: We try really hard to find the “right” volunteer for you. They are all friendly and caring people, selected for their warmth and understanding. We take up references and a Criminal Records Bureau Enhanced Disclosure and they undertake a 10-week induction course – all to prepare them for meeting and helping you!

Q: What if I change my mind?

A: That’s OK – just give us a ring and let us know, 01704 542276

Q: How long can I keep my volunteer?

A: For as long as you have a need and continue to meet our criteria for referral. Your co-ordinator will visit regularly to review your progress.